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1 tree(s) planted in memory of Roy Brown IV
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Walter Brown posted a condolence
Monday, July 24, 2023
So sorry about the loss of Roy. I always enjoyed seeing him at gatherings, he was always quick to offer a handshake and very friendly. I know his daughter meant the world to him and he was a great father. I am sure he will be sorely missed by all.
Rest in Peace Roy.
Uncle Wally
Kristyn Brown posted a condolence
Sunday, July 23, 2023
Almost 29 years of knowing Roy, with at least 26 years living in the same house and over 3 years of working together. I don’t even know where to begin with reminiscing my best memories of Roy.
He was my first best friend and protector but he knew exactly how to mess with me. He was so good at sneaking up from behind quietly and scaring me like in the background of my mirror. He would tell me all kinds of crazy made up stories when I was a kid to scare me, like most brothers do, but also constantly making me laugh. I remember a lot of childhood memories going in our pool, playing tag or manhunt in the yard with the neighborhood kids, going on the scary amusement park rides with me, visiting Saquish Beach, binge watching tv and playing video games. Every once in a while when we played Freedom Fighters on his PS2 he would let me win because I absolutely sucked.
When we got a little, older unlike most teenage siblings who can’t stand each other Roy, Kaylee and I would get along really well and hangout like friends. We used to get comments from people who visited our house saying I can’t believe you all came to the door when we ran the doorbell or how we wouldn’t be fighting. The three of us had a unique bond. I skipped my senior dinner dance because it was the day he came back from living in Arizona for a year. We used to go to parties together, get in trouble together, (mostly because of me) and had so many mutual friends. We even went on a double date to a Patriots game and we definitely got way more tipsy than our dates.
He was always the first person to drop what he’s doing to help out either at work or at home. He was generous, compassionate and the hardest worker I’ve ever known. Roy taught me so many things. He gave my sister and I rides everywhere in his Lincoln town car, paid for us often, fixed things, and always willing to compromise more than we would. He was the only one who could make it to my graduation and he recorded me getting an award and that meant a lot to me. He helped me carry my 80 lb dog Lilo outside to use the bathroom multiple times a day after she had a double hip replacement. He never failed to give me honest advice to comfort me even when it wasn’t exactly what I wanted to hear, but what I needed to.
I will remember him every time I get sushi, drink a Mexican beer, watch horror movies or see foxes which are his favorite animal.
I’m so grateful you were my brother all these years. You did a perfect job and I will always cherish all the memories and inside jokes we have. Thank you for giving us Kiley as she is an extension of you. You made me a better person and taught me so much in life. I hope you know how amazing your impact was and how many people loved you. I’ll miss your inappropriate sense of humor. Holidays, parties, and family game nights won’t be the same without you, but I hope you will be watching over in spirit. I love you and I’ll see you on the other side.
Love Kristyn
Kaylee Brown uploaded photo(s)
Friday, July 21, 2023


Sam Dion uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, July 20, 2023




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Kaylee Brown posted a condolence
Thursday, July 20, 2023
There’s so many memories I have in the last 25 years of being Roy’s little sister. Roy did a perfect job filling the role as my older brother, whether it was supporting me, making me laugh, or driving me crazy. Somehow, he figured out how to do it all at once. When we were a lot younger and at one of my dad’s work outings, we both won a teddy bear as a prize. I ended up leaving mine on the bench and my day was absolutely ruined until Roy decided to give me his. Although it was probably an act of kindness to shut up a crying toddler, it was a perfect example of how much he cared and worked super hard to make others happy. When I was in seventh grade and would walk to the general store with my friends, I would beg my mom for money for energy drinks. Roy, who was only a senior in high school at the time, would empty his pockets to give me money to go buy them. When he got his first car and I needed rides home from school, from sports, or from friend’s houses, he would always drive me. As I got older, he even helped get me my drinks for the weekends. He would even offer to let me keep a running tab, which was really a perfect example of who he is, especially since Kristyn always asked for cash up front. (Only kidding. She’s great too.) As I turned to college, I would tell him how stressed I was about paying my security deposit for my college housing rental and before I could even finish my sentence, I would see a venmo notification covering the entire amount. He always assured me, “Pay me back when you can. Just don’t stress about it.”
As I became even older, his job supporting me probably got a little easier because I got better at supporting myself. I always tried to return his favors by giving him creative Christmas presents and other things that I knew he wanted or was interested in. As everyone knows, he’s hard to buy presents for because he would appreciate absolutely everything and he doesn’t ask for anything. I noticed from everybody’s stories and memories that one of the best things about him was that he didn’t have to physically help you or give you anything. It was that you knew he would always be there for you. If you told him your problems, he would do everything in his power to help you. He had a huge heart. I really don’t think he understood the impact he had on others just by doing that.
Roy also never failed to fill the annoying older brother role. I remember always telling him my annoying fun facts and long stories and him replying “I don’t think so Kaylee.” After him saying it about 3 times, and me noticing the smirk on his face, I would eventually roll my eyes realizing he was messing with me. After my first detention, anytime I came home from literally anywhere, he would ask, “How was your extended Kaylee?” He would steal my phone and change it to Spanish when I wasn’t looking. He would slowly pass it back to me and say, “Idioma.” When my mom came home, nervous about my cardiology appointment and telling Roy and Kristyn to not scare me or stress me out, he would purposely jump-scare me and say “Woah! Calm down Kaylee! I don’t want you to stress out.” These inside jokes went on for years. Although he joked around and messed with me a lot, he always did it with a lot of patience considering I definitely filled my role as the annoying little sister at times.
I remember being in grocery stores as a child with Roy and Kristyn and the store workers would see us interact and be amazed at how well we played together. No one was fighting with each other or annoyed with each other. I imagine we always just looked like we were good friends, which we were. The bond between my siblings and I was something special. We never fought. We always had each other’s backs, and would do anything for each other. We always enjoyed hanging out together. I definitely think Roy was just a good role model as to how siblings should treat one another.
He worked harder than anyone. He got me my first job interview at Friendly’s after he worked there previously. All I had to say was that he was my brother, and everyone quickly understood, making comments like they should’ve known we were related because of our similar work ethic. He worked so hard at his jobs. He worked so hard as a son, as a brother, as a friend, and ESPECIALLY as a father. I have never seen someone put so much effort into parenting as Roy and Cara do for Kiley. I’m so thankful that he gave us her, and I got to watch him be Kiley’s dad.
You deserved the world. I’m so proud of everything you accomplished in life. I’m so thankful for everything you’ve taught me. I’m honored to be your little sister and I’ll cherish every memory that I have. I will miss you so much, but I will never stop talking about you and sharing your memories and your stories to everyone that I come across. You’re memory will live on. I love you and can’t wait to see you again someday.
Love, Kaylee
Mark Abatuno uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, July 20, 2023

I met Roy and just started to get to know him when he was my boss almost 5 years ago. Roy helped me get a better position, but unfortunately I was no longer working with him. That actually meant we no longer had as much a barrier and could speak and interact in a less professional manner. This is the time when I really started to see what Roy was truly like. I have never met someone who was so curious and found interest in so many different topics. We would call it a day working and just spend hours going down rabbit holes in Wikipedia moving from one mildly related topic to another. But I would also see the Roy that had no ability to speak poorly of others and cared deeply for the wellbeing for all others. As time went on I once again had the pleasure of working side by side with Roy and spending plenty of time outside of work together. He had been a staple at our Wednesday dinner for years now, with a healthy appetite.
Roy was always focused on making sure others were put before himself. Roy was the best kind of person. He worked, listened, cared, protected, maintained patience, supported and loved like his life depended on it.
With much love,
Mark E
Sam Dion posted a condolence
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Roy, when I think of you a million different things come to mind. You were the one I started my warehouse journey with and over the years a friendship bloomed. You were the hardest worker I’ve ever known, always the first one in the building and the last one out. You had the patience of a saint and a calming presence that would always cool me down when I was flying off the handle about whatever nonsense was going on that day. I think the only thing we ever argued about was whether to turn the heat up or down!
Something I’ll always miss is your sense of humor. When you’d throw your head back and let out a big belly laugh I couldn’t help but laugh along. And when something was funny (but maybe a little inappropriate) you’d smirk and wink, to me it was one of your signature moves. One of my favorite memories is when you brought Kiley to a Wednesday dinner and we were making play doh figures. Kiley made one of you, which she announced by making it say “I’m Roy, rock and roll!” You just started laughing because you’d never said that phrase in your life. Of course after that it became a regularly used catchphrase.
My heart is broken with you gone. Holidays, birthdays, and Wednesdays nights will never be the same without you here. I’ll always cherish the memories we made and you’ll always have a special place in my heart.
Mark Abatuno posted a condolence
Thursday, July 20, 2023
I met Roy and just started to get to know him when he was my boss almost 5 years ago. Roy helped me get a better position, but unfortunately I was no longer working with him. That actually meant we no longer had as much a barrier and could speak and interact in a less professional manner. This is the time when I really started to see what Roy was truly like. I have never met someone who was so curious and found interest in so many different topics. We would call it a day working and just spend hours going down rabbit holes in Wikipedia moving from one mildly related topic to another. But I would also see the Roy that had no ability to speak poorly of others and cared deeply for the wellbeing for all others. As time went on I once again had the pleasure of working side by side with Roy and spending plenty of time outside of work together. He had been a staple at our Wednesday dinner for years now, with a healthy appetite.
Roy was always focused on making sure others were put before himself. Roy was the best kind of person. He worked, listened, cared, protected, maintained patience, supported and loved like his life depended on it.
With much love,
Mark E
Quinn Whelan posted a condolence
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Sweet Baby Roy,
You were the salt of the earth. Easily one of the best people out there and the best friend anyone could ask for.
Looking back, there are so many moments I wouldn’t have been able to get through without you. You spent a whole day helping Mark, Emily and I move apartments on a weekend. When I was having car troubles, the only question you asked was, “how much do you need?” You drove me home when I may have had a little too much to drink at a work party. You advocated for me to get a raise and defended me when my old manager threatened to dock my pay.
I owe you so much.
Not only did you make work bearable, you made it fun. Whether we were cranking away on an audit, packing up an order, or on the rare occasion that I convinced you to goof off, we always had a great time.
I miss you, Sam and me asking each other, “what’s for lunch?” for way too long every day. I miss inspecting each other’s heads when we shaved to insure that neither of us missed a spot. I miss sitting at work with you and talking to you (distracting you) about nonsense for hours at a time. I miss you bringing Kiley over for parties and you coming to dinner every Wednesday.
I miss you.
You were like a brother to me and I’m so beyond grateful that we met. Thank you for everything.
Rest easy, Mr. Roy. I’ll see you in Valhalla.
Love you always,
Lauren Biagiotti posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
I worked with Roy at the nines, he was the nicest person I ever met!!
He will be missed by many.
Lauren Biagiotti
Kiley Brown posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
I miss you daddy and i love you so much
Love Kiley
Cara Smith posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
For the last 11 years Roy has been the only consistent person in my life. When we first met we spent every weekend he was home together, from sitting in my car in his driveway talking about life to playing kings at the kitchen table with Kristyn and a combination of our friends we were always having fun and doing something. We had only been dating a few months when we found out I was pregnant but hr assured me over and over that he’d always be there to take care of us and stand behind me and that’s exactly what he did. He never missed a doctors appointment, made sure I was doing okay every singe day and supplied all the Shirley temples I needed. He was the best support person you could as for. I remember my first Mother’s Day he was so excited about the gift he got for me, a ring with pink diamonds because it’s my favorite color. 9 years later I have never taken this ring off. Even after we separated so many things didn’t change. He always put so much thought into every gift he gave me, he was the first person to compliment me or notice if I changed my hair, we talked almost every day if not everyday, he always asked how I was doing or if I needed anything, we did everything together even just something as small as going to the Zoo. I don’t think we ever had a fight, except for maybe that time I had to pick him up at the pembroke police station at 1am with a newborn because his registration was expired and they towed his car lol (his pride and joy the Lincoln) We were the best team and I’m so thankful for the relationship we had. I’ll miss him always appreciating my “that’s what she said” jokes and having one immediately after for a whole different scenario. He may have been “quiet” but he always has the best comebacks, an inappropriate sense of humor and the most out of pocket comments. It was never a dull moment. I could sit here and go on for days. Theres no one else I’d rather have all these memories with. I’ll love and miss you forever Roy
Kasi Taylor posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Roy, what a positive presence you had in a room. There wasn't a time that you were at one of our parties or family get togethers that we didn't notice your light in the room. You had such an uplifting and kind vibe that you gave off whenever you were there. You were introduced to us through my sister Kristi and brother in law Boo, and you quickly became a person we looked forward to seeing at all of our events. You always thought of everyone, you always lent a hand, I will never forget when you hardly knew my kids early on, you still came to our combo party and spoiled my boys too with too many gifts! Of course they loved it. Your laugh, smile, presence, your personality over all will be greatly missed and forever thought of. Kiley will always be welcome to all of our events, and we will always think of you right beside her, as I know you will be. Thank you for being a part of our lives, we were blessed to have known you. Rest in Peace Roy.
Kristi Souza & Boontieng Eggleston posted a condolence
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Roy, you were truly one of a kind, always making people feel better, always willing to lend a hand, you were a safe place. Having known you for 9 years and watching the friendship between you and Boo blossom into a brotherhood that has never been broken. You stood by him through his darkest days and his happiest moments too, you never judged him or turned your back on him once and for that I am forever grateful he had such a light in his life guiding him in the right direction, you guys had a friendship that others wished for. You shared the love of being father's together, learning from each other, and always making sure Kiley and Emma stayed close. There isn't a get together that you missed for as long as I can remember you were just always there and you were always the first one to show up. Whether it was helping with a pinata or lighting a candle you were always right there. You always showed my kids so much love and you were the best bonus uncle there was, Junior will always remember you as his buddy, you were the only one he would go to at any of Kiley's bday parties. I'll never forget this one time we all sat in my living room watching JoKoys comedy show and every single one of us were laughing so hard we had tears in our eyes, I can still hear the laughter. Or when we went to canobie lake park and you went on almost every ride with me, you were the only one like "let's goo!" We had to have gone on the Boston tea party like 5 times in a row! We have so many memories that we will never forget, No bday party, cookout, new years eve, Halloween party, or 4th of July will ever be as fun without you, there will always be a emptiness in our hearts. We will save you a seat at our wedding as I know you'll be there watching over us on that day, it will be hard w.o you there. Boo and I promise to keep your memory alive, and we promise to always be here for Kiley, whatever she needs. Boo will always look out for her as she grows up. We love you and we will miss you tremendously our friend and our brother. We only hope you are at peace now ❤️
Cara Smith uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, July 16, 2023




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Cara Smith uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, July 16, 2023




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Cara Smith uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, July 16, 2023




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Cara Smith uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, July 16, 2023




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Cara Smith uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, July 16, 2023




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Cara Smith uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, July 16, 2023




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11 years of love and memories
Kaylee Brown uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, July 16, 2023




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Kaylee Brown uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, July 16, 2023




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JANE MCNULTY posted a condolence
Sunday, July 16, 2023
I worked at Procurri and got to know Roy. Always ready to help, never an unkind word to anyone, he called me Miss Jane. His whole world evolved around his daughter Kiley. He was well liked and respected by all of us there. Sending thoughts of peace and healing to his family.
James French posted a condolence
Sunday, July 16, 2023
I was a temp hire at procurri. Roy was my boss. He treated me with respect, and gave me a better position after a week or two of feeling me out as a worker. Roy always was calm and understanding and very smart. He was a good leader and a fun man to work with. Im glad I got to know him even if it was only for three short months.
Diane Brady uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, July 15, 2023


Dan Harding posted a condolence
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Roy Brown, aka B.D.R was one of the hardest workers and most genuine people I've had the pleasure of getting to know. He always came into work with a positive attitude. He was a natural born leader who lead by example. I remember one time at work, I was having a particularly stressful day. My coworker called in sick, shipping was getting slammed with orders, and I was drowning in it. Roy walked up to me, saw how stressed out I was and offered his assistance with no hesitation despite having his own department to maintain... Me and Roy worked in tandem to catch up the shipping department and finish up all the orders to be filled. I remember, it was in the middle of Aug, the warehouse was brutally humid and absolutely disgustingly hot... yet, Not a single complaint was uttered from Roy, he just kept working hard, asking what else I needed and where else he could help. After we finished up, I asked if I could help him at all.... it turned out he was actually done working for the day... he was working a half day, and stayed an extra 3 hours to help me out. Roy was a selfless, empathetic, genuine human being... the real deal.
He may be gone, but he's certainly not forgotten...
Rest in peace Roy.
Diane Brady uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, July 15, 2023




Stacey Smith posted a condolence
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Roy Brown IV you were a one in a million man. I couldn’t have asked for a better father to Kiley than you. You continually amazed me over the past 10 years. You stood by my daughter from day one and I wish I had thanked you and told you more often how much I respected and loved you. I thought of you as a bonus son and in 10 years you never missed sending me a Happy Mother’s Day text. I wish you could have known how much you were loved by so many. You will be forever missed and never forgotten.
Bobby Whitman posted a condolence
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Kind. Caring. Driven. Smart. Funny. Hardworking. Authentic. Reliable. Focused. Humble. There are so many adjectives that are loosely thrown around to describe a person. I may have only known Roy on a professional level, but after working with him for several years, I honestly feel like these words apply to him as much as anyone I've ever encountered.
Often in life, a person is ultimately measured by the impact they have had on others. I believe that, in Roy's case, that impact was more profound than he realized. I can say with certainty that Roy will be truly missed.
Pam Russo posted a condolence
Saturday, July 15, 2023
I agree with Pete, Roy was special a real role model for sure. He had a unique calm and patient way about him, that was comforting and genuine. He would listen intently to your question and take time to process it. He would respond openly and honestly, and with consideration. I always thought of him as an old soul. These traits were distinctive, and very similar to my father, his grandfather. He was a wonderful father, and I feel privileged to have witnessed his tender love and caring ways with his daughter, Kiley. Roy was often serious, but there was a fun and silly side of him too. He enjoyed teasing his sisters and even me, on occasion. Here's one cute and funny story, that came to mind. Roy, Kristyn and Kaylee were staying with my family when their parents went on an anniversary getaway. They were permitted to 'skip' school and stay with us for about a week. So, I had the three of them all day long while my kids went to school, which was a lot of fun. Roy was the oldest, at about 9 years old, and the leader of the pack. Well, burping was popular and funny at this age, and he was good at it. He would burp the ABC's or a song. He was teaching his cousin Chris (which was inevitable) and now I had two burping kids. After a full day of this, I thought I better address it. I asked Roy if I could speak to him, and if he would look at me when I was speaking to him. I told him burping can be funny, and he was good at, but I would like him to stop doing it all day long. He was looking at me, intently, with his beautiful brown eyes and without hesitation, let out one of the biggest burps of the day. It was so funny and surprising, that I couldn't resist, I broke out laughing, once he knew he wasn't in trouble he cracked up too. I am grateful to have had you in my life, and I will miss you...Roy. Love Auntie Pam
Emily Williamson uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, July 15, 2023


Steven Swiatek posted a condolence
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Roy was a genuine person whose heart was filled with a passion for his career, compassion for others and love for his friends and family. He reminds us to always be kind and understanding towards others as you never know what that person could be going through. May his soul rest in peace and May time heal all wounds.
R.I.P Joy
Nick Magnoli posted a condolence
Saturday, July 15, 2023
What I remember about Roy was his kind pleasant demeanor when working under him at procurri. If he told me to do something or explained it to me I could always understand. If I had a problem or was frustrated he was very good at calming me down during our conversations. Also if I told him a joke I remember the big smile and laugh that it usually put on his face . I also appreciated his devotion to his daughter who he always put first .
Pam Russo uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, July 15, 2023




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More family photos
Emily Williamson posted a condolence
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Oh Mr. Roy.
I remember I heard about you (a lot), for a long time before I actually met you. Mark and Quinn were so excited when you weren’t their boss anymore and you would finally hang out with them. And then you went from someone I only heard about, to becoming so close we had Wednesday family dinner every week. You coming over each week gave us all something to look forward to. Especially me when I bought new pillows or decorations since you were the only one to notice. I will forever miss talking about our days while we try to figure out what Quinn is making in the kitchen. I will forever miss apple picking with you, watching you be the best dad to Kiley, letting her fill up your bag to the brim with the smallest apples ever. I will forever miss Mark telling me how many of my pumpkins muffins you ate, giving me a big ego boost. You don’t know the impact that you left on our lives, but we will miss you forever. Rest in the sweetest peace.
Kaitlyn, Emily, Uncle Wally, & Aunt Sandy Brown uploaded photo(s)
Friday, July 14, 2023




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Family Photos
Morgan Leeber uploaded photo(s)
Friday, July 14, 2023

I count Roy as one of the best and most sincere people I've had the opportunity to cross paths with.
He was always eager to lend a hand to a friend in need. You having a bad day? Roy was there to ask what was bothering you. Needed help getting one of the classic Procurri rush orders out in time for the freight pick up? Roy was there to help. Even after we parted ways as co-workers, if I saw Roy you know we'd spend a minimum of 2-3 hours catching up, even if there was no new news to share.
Love yah bud and I'll see you on the other side.
Jon Noye posted a condolence
Friday, July 14, 2023
Roy...…. Where do I begin.
I (we all) could go on for hours trying to explain what type of person he was…… Hard worker (the hardest), kind (the kindest), funny (the funniest, especially when there may have been a drink or two involved (sorry Mom)), compassionate (a go to whenever needed), dependable (second to none), handsome (he was certainly one good looking fella) but most importantly, irreplaceable (Roy will forever hold a major piece of my heart that will always belong to him) Simply put, Roy was a one of kind amazing person.
Not only was I lucky enough to have had the pleasure of working with Roy for nearly 6 or 7 years but I was also blessed enough to be able to call him a friend. More like a “family” member. Over the years I was able to watch Roy transform from a 23-year-old boy fresh from the 99 to a mature dedicated 30-year-old young man who was running his own dept at Procurri. Not only running but successfully running……. Maybe even sprinting would be the better word. His work ethic was to be admired and rarely duplicated by any.
It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to this incredible human and hope that everyone can find some type of comfort knowing that he is now resting in the sweetest peace imaginable.
To Roy’s wonderful family – Today and always, I pray that the loving memories of Roy continue to bring you peace, comfort and most importantly…. strength.
I love you Roy.
Jon Noye
Linda Tanner posted a condolence
Friday, July 14, 2023
My first day of work I was suppose to start in a different department but I started with Roy to help him. I was told he was pretty quiet, but boy did he talk a lot!! Lol. We hit it off and worked very well together. He has such an incredible heart and his love for his daughter was beautiful and he would talk about her everyday. Roy has always been so kind, caring and thoughtful towards me. Roy was such an amazing person, co-worker and friend. I will miss him so much and most of all being called “Ms. Linda”. Rest in peace Roy.
Dan Brady posted a condolence
Friday, July 14, 2023
Roy will always hold a special place in my heart. He was a great friend, colleague and always went out of his way to help, usually without even having to ask. I’ll always remember the cigars and drinks on Fridays. Although it wasn’t an every week thing, it happened enough where I looked forward to them and I’ll never forget them. Thank you for all the great memories and I’ll have cigars and whiskey when we meet up again.
Diane Brady posted a condolence
Friday, July 14, 2023
I knew Roy personally and professionally. He was one of the hardest most dedicated worker’s I had ever met. Personally my memories of Roy I will hold dear. When I think about Roy all I can see is a smile on his face.
My thoughts and prayers are with his family. Roy will be greatly missed.
Rest is peace my friend.
Peter Brown posted a condolence
Thursday, July 13, 2023
When I began trying to write this, I just kept thinking of Roy and how I would describe him to someone that didn’t know him. I decided that’s what I would do, in no particular order. Roy was kind, generous, caring, hardworking, intelligent, friendly, loving, protective, committed, tough, honest, dedicated, funny, enduring, generous, honest, trustworthy, a role model for anyone, Roy was just an all-around a good person in every way, and boy was he tall. I am a better person for having Roy in my life and I am so proud of who he became. Thank you for being you, we will miss you.
jackie sealund posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
I am very sad to have heard this news and I am praying for the members of the family and RC 1V. Jackie Sealund
Tina Stoffle posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
So many memories have gone through my mind the last few days. Hard to pick a favorite, but one of the funniest was when Roy and his sisters were visiting us in Arizona. Roy, as usual was following our lead. Quietly tagging along, doing the things that his sisters wanted to see and do. I had expressed my concern to his Uncle Ron. Determined to put a smile on his nephew's face, told everyone to get in the car. He drove us to Hooters, advised the waitresses that it was Roy's birthday, which it was not. The waitresses swarmed around him and Roy lit up like a Christmas tree! A smile ear-to-ear. We spent the evening joking, laughing and Roy got a custom poster surrounded by his new Hooter friends. The poster was proudly displayed in his room for years.
Memories of your beautiful smile will forever live in my heart. Give Uncle Ron a big hug for me.
With all my love,
Auntie Tina

A Memorial Tree was planted for Roy Brown IV
Tuesday, July 11, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Shepherd Funeral & Cremation Service - Kingston Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
Please wait
The family of Roy C. Brown IV uploaded a photo
Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Please wait
John Kuplast posted a condolence
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
I worked with Roy at Procurri in Pembroke for 10 months. I respected him because he helped ne understand computers and how take them apart, save the important parts and erase hard drives. Every morning Roy came over to me and made sure I understood what needed to be done. When Procurri announced the closing of
Pembroke he offered me advice on how to sell myself at a job interview. I am so glad that we met. Roy please Rest In Peace and God Bless. John Kuplast
(781) 585-4453
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