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1 tree(s) planted in memory of Marilyn Garron
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Marlana Lee posted a condolence
Friday, December 23, 2022
I’ll always remember…
The best childhood Christmases, summers at Gram & Pap’s beach, cookouts, crafting and our shared love of a good bargain.
Love & Miss You Mom
Kyla Isakson uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, December 22, 2022


- Driving to doctors appointments
- Always humming along to the radio, even when she didn’t know the song
- Fairy houses
- Tea parties with lemonade, phish good ice cream, and cucumber sandwiches
- Making our own paper on the deck
- Clinging to your side so Lance wouldn’t chase me in the yard
- Peach tree and sunflowers
- Craft fair at your friend’s house, where I bought a bunch of embroidered snowmen
- Hummingbirds
- Going to the wooden “labyrinth” playground-I still have no idea where it was
- Taking me to soccer practice, Girl Scouts, and wherever else I needed to be
- Going to TCBY
- Making mud pies
- Hanging clothes on the clothesline
- Listening to Justin Timberlake and Kanye West on CD
- Peter and the “woof” on CD
- Always crafting, giving me magazines and talking about projects
- Boiled hot dogs for dinner
- Christmas cards with the dogs
- Rubbing my back in bed at sleepovers
- Picking us up at the airport when we came home from Florida, you just got Max and brought him into the airport, we went home and you had made the princess bed canopies for us with tulle
- Never wearing socks, I got them for you for Christmas
- Dino egg oatmeal
- Taking us to walk the beach (in marshfield?)
- Making cranberry relish and apple pie before thanksgiving and Christmas
- Your big smile at your 50th anniversary party at marlanas
- Picking white rocks at the beach, playground, from the front garden
Teeka Isakson uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, December 22, 2022


Nancy Glass posted a condolence
Thursday, December 22, 2022
I am so sad about the loss of your wife,mother,grandmother, family and friend MARILYN.
Marilyn was a good friend and i will miss her deeply. She was kind,loving, and fun to be with. We so enjoyed our times together before and after she married Troy.
My thoughts, prayers, and love go out to her wonderful family.
Aunt nancy
Dan Flaherty posted a condolence
Thursday, December 22, 2022
Muna welcomed me into the family immediately and without hesitation. For the past 10 years, she treated me like I was one of the grandchildren. It'll be tough not seeing her walk through the door with Papa and Mickey for the cookouts and parties and her love and joy for her family will be missed.
Cierra Isakson uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, December 22, 2022


Thank you for always teaching us that love is the best option. Thank you for teaching us all the holiday traditions that will live on in your memory. Thank you for being the best grandmother I could ask for. I love you and I’ll miss you!
Sam posted a symbolic gesture
Thursday, December 22, 2022

On one of my trips to W. Brookfield (driving from Maryland), likely a Columbus Day , when your Mom and Dad arrived, your Mom greeted me with the usual warm hello and she gave me a little peck on my lips. I was so moved by that loving gesture. Later that year, I was home to Hawaii to see my Mom and sister. I told my mom about that encounter and proceeded to ask why she had never kissed me on the lips.
I will miss Aunt Marilyn and I will never forget her or her loving spirit. - Birdena Samuel, aka, Sam.
Teeka uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, December 21, 2022




+ 15
Teeka uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Colleen Belcher posted a condolence
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Our heartfelt condolences to all of you on the passing of your beloved, Muna. Her story, and the legacy of what she left behind in all of you is beautiful. May the piece of her heart , that’s now part of yours, always shine brightly through your smiles as you think of her.
Many prayers and much love,
Colleen, Steve, Jacob, Zach, Kristyn, Whitney, Dave & Harper
Teeka Isakson uploaded photo(s)
Monday, December 19, 2022




+ 6
Muna Muna Muna. Where do I start with the memories.
“You are such a bitch”
“There’s muffins in the freezer”
“Hunny bunny”
“Youuuu whoooo”
“Take out the pussies and put in the Holly”
“It was only a dollar how could I leave it there?”
Always had an emery board/nail file
Crochet hooks in every size and color
Tupperware parties
Home interior parties
Bible study group
Bible school bribes with candy at the store
Carolyn’s penny candy store
Laying in bed with you trying to teach me to read
Telling me what the fire horn meant when it alarmed
The cats, dogs, Hannibal, Cleo, twinkles, Pussy Willow, Merlin, Lance
Taking me to the hospital every time dad went to california
Teaching myself how to French braid while you were in the hospital for a hysterectomy
Crocheting slippers
Going to the East Bridgewater laundry mat
Luke’s super market
Halifax laundry mat
Bear blankets for all the babies
Afghan blankets
Crafts for the church fair for the kids table
Always having a project to do
New Christmas clothes for grams
Parachute pants
Christmas eves at gram and paps
You Finding Christmas gifts you hid and getting them months later
The thought and care you put into the gifts you gave. Down to the flashy wrapping
Summers at gram and paps
The yellow volcewagon
Stopping at the bread store
Grams bridge
Walks down the bogs every night after dinner in the summers
Prepping for the end of the year shows at school
I always loved how you took pride in your appearance
Brush curling iron blue eye shadow huge earrings
Always made sure we looked out together
Perming and coloring,hi lighting our hair.
Making sure you always had enough food to feed an army
Always letting us have friends on the couch
Sneaking rides to peaceful meadows for coconut choc almond ice cream
Always have a chocolate bar in your purse
Your adventures to NY to see Ann O’Brien
Your childhood stories of fishing with Pap at hulls gut
Memorial Day cookouts..ribs,punch bowl cake the best potatoe salad with miracle whip
Your family history. Family member created the Mary Jane candy
Story telling about the green houses your dad had
Always answering the phone at work when we would call you a million times.
Being excited to be the first to find out I was pregnant
Pushing me to go to school
Pushing me to follow my dreams
Always making sure my kids were taking care of to do so.
Creating great memories with my kids
Crazy hats
Crazy bags
Beach trips
Franklin park zoo with the girls ( they feed the gorillas popsicles the next day)
Christmas tree shop adventures with gram
Adventures to florida
Always having a notebook or calendar
Always having a picture,prayer card,phone number and anything else that meant something to you squirrelled
Checking in on me 12 times a day when I had kyla.
Me telling you no you couldn’t take her for the weekend
Pride of being a grandmother
Taking care of Javani
Taking pictures of Kyla,Cierra,Max and Chico for Christmas cards
Scrapes books
Tea parties
Fairy houses
Crop dusting
“who brought the ducks”
Wedding song
The Carpenters “We’ve only just begun”
Kenny Rogers on atrak
Carly Simon radio
Carole king
Hanging in your bedroom singing and talking
canal trip is with Mary Beth
Lobster rolls
The eagles
Punch bowl cake
Large punch bowl
3 pound cakes cubed
2 cool whips
2 vanilla puddings
Crushed pineapple
Mandarin oranges
Fresh strawberries
Fresh blueberries
Layer in bowl
Apple crisp
Rice pudding
Black eyed peas
Corm bread
Popcorn in a pot
Chinese chop suey
Ann O’Brien oven beef stew
Raisin gravy
Pressure cooker
Meat grinder
Teeka Isakson uploaded photo(s)
Monday, December 19, 2022




+ 6
Christopher Garron posted a condolence
Monday, December 19, 2022
I know the end of your journey was more painless than the beginning! As an angel for your family, you will do what you have always done, keep a watchful eye on them from above!
Love and miss you,
Aunt Marilyn!!!
Phyl and Guy Silenzi posted a symbolic gesture
Friday, December 16, 2022

Our hearts are with Troy and all of the family today, yes, our hearts of heavy, but also filled with light and love for our dear friend Marilyn. We will miss you but are consoled in the fact that she is with God and the Angels in heaven for she is, was and always with be the sweetest soul. ❤️
Wayne Reynolds lit a candle
Wednesday, December 14, 2022

So sorry to learn of dear Marilyn's passing. She was truly one of the best people I knew.
Donna and Peter Nelson lit a candle
Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Donna and Peter Nelson Posted Dec 14, 2022 at 5:00 AM
Troy - Peter and I are so sorry for your loss. Our sympathy to you and your family
Shannon McCarthy posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Marilyn you will be truly missed. You were the best Muna anyone could ask for. I was so lucky to have had you in my life for the last 17 years. I will miss your visits to the salon, the stories of your children, and the smile that never left your face.
The family of Marilyn J. Garron uploaded a photo
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

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A Memorial Tree was planted for Marilyn Garron
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Shepherd Funeral & Cremation Service - Kingston Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Marilyn J. Garron uploaded a photo
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

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The family of Marilyn J. Garron uploaded a photo
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

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The family of Marilyn J. Garron uploaded a photo
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

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The family of Marilyn J. Garron uploaded a photo
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

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The family of Marilyn J. Garron uploaded a photo
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

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